There was a total of 24 riders signed on for our last race day of the year. With 19 Pre ’75 bikes on the line for practice we were able to run 2 classes of Pre ’75 plus a Pre ’85 class and sidecars. Although dusty the track held up well especially after a good watering in between rounds. An overall social and successful day with highly enjoyable racing.
The world Championship race had 14 on the line chasing those valuable points. Justin Clayden won the round and also secured the VMXWA Pre ’75 World Championship title for 2024.
A big Thank You to everyone who made the day possible including our Steward of the day Richard Hall who made the trip down to be our official. Thank you to those involved in track setup and pack up especially Danny Byrne, Stewart Berry and Lew White who were on track watering duties Saturday and Sunday. Whoever showed Danny where the air horns are on the truck have a lot to answer for.
Keep an eye out for an announcement about the Go-Kart wind up later this year along with the 2024 AGM, all committee positions are declared vacant and we definitely need a President for 2025 so please give some thought about assisting your club and the direction it takes for 2025. If you are curious about any of the committee positions please approach any of the current committee and we’ll happily answer any questions.