Month: November 2016

Claire Boston

Member Since: 2014 Club President: 2016 Race Numbers Current:   182                               Prior to VMXWA: Nil Current grade you usually race (eg: A, B, C, Over 55,…

Andrew Irving

Member Since: 2006 Treasurer: 2008 – 2021, 2023 – 2025 Left: Bitten by the sidecar bug   Middle: Braving the road in Bali at 18    Right: First big road bike 1984 GSX750 Race Numbers  current: 51 None prior Current grade you usually race (eg:…

Barbara Brady

Race Numbers Current:  –                                  Prior to VMXWA: Current grade you usually race (eg: A, B, C, Over 55, Sidecars) Race Official and Canteen Year you were born 1961 What type of job/industry have you been in most of your life…


If you wish to print these instructions, click the pdf here. BODDINGTON FARM TRACK  The Boddington track is on Lower Hotham Road, a few hundred meters north of the Harvey-Quindanning Road T junction. We will have our usual VMX signs…


The Hillman Farm Motocross Track is located at the site of the old Darkan Speedway on the Hillman Dardadine Road approximately 12 kilometres from Darkan. From Darkan head towards Arthur River and follow signs to the Speedway and Hillman Skydivers…

Millfarm – Wandering

Head out of the city through Armadale via Albany Highway.  Turn left after the North Bannister Roadhouse into North Bannister-Wandering Road. When you hit Wandering, turn left into the North Wandering Road, and a few hundred meters up you will…

Dandaloo Park – Narrogin

Dandaloo Park, Narrogin is approximately 1km from town on the Williams-Kondinin Road, on the right after the Narrogin Speedway.


Head east out of Collie up Coalfields Road and about 5km out of town turn right into Piavanini Road.  About 1km up you will find the Collie motocross track. Please note this is not what we refer to as the…


Welcome to the Vintage Motocross Club of Western Australia The club is the leading body actively promoting Vintage motocross in Western Australia.  VMXWA runs a full winter calendar from March through to around October.  The tracks used by the Club…