We require a couple of volunteers for flag marshal and start line duties for the day. If you can assist or can bring someone with you to assist on the day, please text Dave Lawson on 0494105061 or email lawsondavid62@gmail.com to organise your annual assistance.
Sunday morning there will be free bacon and egg burgers for breakfast during sign on.
Schedule for Sunday 4th August is as follows
–Sign on and scrutineering 0800-0845
–Riders briefing 0900
–On track after briefing
Cost to ride is $40 and one event competition licences will be available on the day for $100. One event licences are available on ridernet (www.ridernet.com.au) leading up to the event at a cost of $83.64. For those that need assistance with purchasing one event licences on ridernet a guide is available at http://www.vmxwa.com/wp-
Regarding licensing it is also worth considering how many events you intend on attending throughout the remainder of year to see whether an annual licence is better value for your circumstances. See the table below to compare the costs for each event you plan on attending. VMXWA have 4 race days and 4 recreational days on the calendar this year (excluding Vintage Dirt which is a ride park day which doesn’t require a licence), anyone doing all events on the calendar is an easy choice of annual senior national licence.
Licence Type | Eligible events | Duration | Cost |
Annual Senior National | All race and recreational events | 12 month period | $362 |
Annual Recreational | All recreational events | 12 month period | $151 |
One event Competition online | Race day | One event only | $83.64 |
One event Competition at track | Race day | One event only | $100 |
One event Recreational online | Recreational day | One event only | $33 |
One event Recreational at track | Recreational day | One event only | $45 |
Please make sure you bring the correct cash with you for the weekend as there are no eftpos facilities.
We look forward to seeing everyone there for what should be a fantastic weekend.