Out on her own (Narrogin 08)

Narracoorte SA 2008

Her other bike passion… on the road!

On the sidecar with big bro Robert (Narrogin 09)

Sarah & Robert have always been a team…

First VMX Race Meet (Beverley 06)
Race Numbers | Current: 242 Prior to VMXWA: 242 |
Current grade you usually race | B grade, Sidecar |
Year you were born | 1990 |
What type of job/industry have you been in most of your life | Student- currently studying Interior Architecture at Curtin. Also work at Woolies…the fresh food people 🙂 |
Age you started riding | 9yrs of age |
Years of Competitive Racing | 2000-2004 Junior Motocross 2006-current VMX 2007-current sidecar |
Motor Cycle Club/s you’ve been a Member of | Western Australian Junior Motocross Club Chidlow (WAJMCC). Vintage Motocross Club of WA (VMXWA). |
First bike/s you rode | Yamaha Pee Wee 80 |
Favourite bike/s you’ve had | Sidecar- Kawasaki triple 500cc Honda XL390 |
Your current bike/s | Handa XL390 (sponsored by Robert’s Dodgy Brothers Engineering) hehe 🙂 Sidecar- Kawasaki triple 500cc |
Your Motocross Highlights | Most Improved Sidecar Rider 2009 (hehe I’m sure it counts as a title I hold 😉 Best Dressed Sidecar Team (self-awarded hehe…haven’t had anyone disagree 😉 Clackline 2009- best VMX race meet of the year for me. Talk about a dirty weekend 🙂 Somehow our sidecar was the only chair that managed to get enough traction around the track. Winning every race was a definite plus to the weather conditions =P |
Most memorable (funny or painful) Motocross accident | Narrocorte SA Sidecar Spectacular: obviously on the sidecar… Robert: “Sarah you can afford to take it a bit quicker over those jumps out the back” Sarah: “ok” …So I take those jumps out the back a bit quicker, but Robert just happens to not be in the right position on the chair and so of course we go over the handlebars and land on my right shoulder pinned under the sidecar. Sarah: “quick, quick get up let’s go first aid’s coming” Robert to First aid: “Nah we’re fine” (i made the mistake of going to first aid in my junior days when I flipped the 60cc on the start line and they told me I could not ride for the rest of the day!) We kept riding for the rest of the meet and managed to achieve 2nd Place. We both had sore shoulders for weeks…and still have dodgy shoulders. |
Family Motocross History | Robert (older brother)- rider and swinger Hannah (younger sister)- rider Jason (younger brother)- riderOfficials- Mick Brady (Grandfather) Theresa Brady (Grandmother) Barbara Brady (Aunty) Neville Dillon (Dad) Colette Dillon (Mum) |
What are your favourite hobbies/interests outside of motocross | Scrapbooking Design |
What made you join VMXWA | Grandad got Robert involved and I saw how much fun it was! As well as the family friendly overall good nature of the club. Keeping the sport fun rather than overly competitive. |