VinduroWA invite – Black Diamond Pre 1995 Vinduro 12th and 13th August 2023

From Paul Barker, President VinduroWA

Dear All Vintage Club Members,

We are thrilled to share the success of the recent Vintage Dirt Weekend hosted by the VMX Club at Wandering. This event has sparked a renewed interest in old dirt bikes, and we couldn’t be more excited!

In light of this renewed enthusiasm, we extend a special invitation to all Vintage and Classic Members. You are invited to join us for a free weekend membership at the Black Diamond Vinduro Club on August 12th and 13th. The event will take place at Greenbushes, which has undergone significant changes in recent years, thanks to the efforts of Len the property owner. It’s the perfect opportunity for you to witness these exciting transformations and experience the fantastic venue once again.

For detailed information about this year’s Vinduro WA event, please click here to visit the VinduroWA website. In the past, medals were awarded for successful completions. This year, we’ve decided to make a positive impact by donating $10.00 to charity for each participant who completes the event. We will have Gold, Silver, and Bronze tiers to honour the achievements.


Black Diamond Pre 1995 Vinduro
12/13 August 2023
Daniels Rd, Greenbushes
Approx. 2:45 hrs south of Perth

Vintage dirt bike excitement!
Camping available, BBQ provided ( small )
Entry fee: $55 Seniors, $25 Juniors (with paying adult).
Pre-1995 bikes only. No registration required. Please check the website for details.

Sign-on from 7:30 am
Senior members only
Complete 10 loops for Gold
Complete 9 loops for Silver
Complete 8 loops for Bronze

Emergency Contact: Bridgetown Hospital 9782 1222, Ambulance 000 or 9791 4999.

To ensure we can organise this year’s event and prepare the promotional gift for attendees, kindly RSVP to the Vinduro WA email by the 5th of August.

We extend a warm welcome to all Vintage and Classic members.
Moreover, we encourage you to let us know if there is a specific charity close to your heart. We will gladly draw a charity name out of a hat to determine where our collective contribution will go.

We eagerly await your response and look forward to welcoming you to this exciting Vinduro WA event.


Vinduro WA