2025 Membership now due and Calendar now available

A reminder that 2025 membership is now due. Full riding membership is $80 and each extra family riding member is $40ea (i.e 2 family members =$120 total, 3 family members =$160 total).
It is a condition of membership that every member completes a flag marshal or official role for at least one event throughout the course of the year, or supplies someone to do the role on their behalf. Please make sure you nominate your preferred days to flag or official on the Annual Assistance form (page 2 of the membership form) and you will be rostered accordingly. The role can also be split into 2 half days should you wish (a morning of one event and an afternoon of another event). Membership forms are available from the documents tab.
The 2025 calendar is now available under the event calendar tab. We have 4 race days, 2 recreation days (Collie and Darkan) and 1 ride park day (Vintage Dirt).
Don’t forget that we also have a variety of merchandise available, click the merchandise tab for more details on how to purchase.

January General Meeting 22/01/25

General Meetings are held on the 4th Wednesday of the month. Unless otherwise stated on club calendar.

The January General meeting will be held at the Como Bowls Club, Hensman St, South Perth from 8pm on Wednesday 22nd January 2025. All members and visitors are encouraged to attend. Pizzas will be available at the end of the meeting.